onsdag 4 februari 2009

The Official Star Wars Blog

If you haven't discovered The Official Star Wars Blog yet, now is the time!
Updates around every other day and a must for the true Star Wars fan who wants to check out new & old merch, weird cosplays, amazing Star Wars-cakes (oh yes!), Star Wars yoga (my favorite)...

måndag 2 februari 2009

Heir to the empire

I've been reading the Star Wars book trilogy "Heir to the empire" and it was awesome! Totally captured the atmosphere from the episode IV-VI movies. Timothy Zahn is just as good as I hoped and I will be looking for more of his work. I wish these books had made it to the big screen...

onsdag 7 januari 2009

First entry

Since January the first this year, I am dedicated to read, watch or do anything Star Wars related each of the year's 365 days and regularly be posting my efforts in this blog. Also I will write about science fiction related subjects as I please. Enjoy!